Product Data Management 产品数据管理(包括用于管理产品定义信息的所有系统);
Firstly, the information security problems of checkup workflow in PDM are discussed.
互联网This paper introduces some basic concepts and the history of PDM first.
本文首先简要介绍了PDM的 基本概念、发展历史和发展趋势.
互联网Combined with the weakness of PDM development, project management in PDM system application is analyzed.
结合目前PDM发展的薄弱环节, 主要分析了项目管理在PDM系统中的应用.
互联网The principle of PDM and the process of carrying it into execution is reported.
摘要论述了PDM的 原理及该系统在企业产品图库管理中的具体实施.
互联网PDM system is the short name of Enterprise Product Data Management system.
PDM系统 是企业产品数据管理系统(EnterpriseProduct DataManagerSystem)的简称.
互联网PDM vertical mill was studied to be used to produce ultrafine slag.
互联网Product configuration management is one of the kernel functions of the product data management ( PDM ).
产品配置是产品数据管理 ( PDM ) 的核心功能之一,是企业实现大规模定制生产的关键技术.
互联网Therefore, to study PDM and its implementation process has great practical meaning.
因此, 研究PDM及其实施过程具有很大的现实意义.
互联网PDM and ERP are the two major information technologies in the advanced manufacturing model in enterprises.
PDM和 ERP是 目前制造企业实施先进制造模式的主要信息技术支撑.
互联网PDM is a kind of software integrate procedure, use and message with management.
PDM是将流程 、 应用以及信息集成与管理的一种软件.
互联网The product database management ( PDM ) is the key technique in CIMS.
而产品数据库管理 ( PDM ) 是实现CIMS应用的关键技术之一.
互联网The integrated data structure among CAx, PDM , and ERP was presented.
互联网The data share among PDM 、 MRPIIERP and CAX system is a base problems for implementing CIMS integration.
互联网Handling PDM tools to understand and maintain proper Product data.
互联网PDM and CAx technologies have been developing rapidly in modern manufacturing.
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