Most boring: 1 . Brussels 2 . Zurich, Oslo, Warsaw, Zagreb ( tied ).
最无聊城市: 1. 布鲁塞尔 2. 苏黎世 、 奥斯陆 、 华沙 、 萨格勒布 ( 并列 )
互联网Ancient GREece produced many well - known historians such as Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, such as Polley than Oslo.
古代希腊产生了许多著名历史学家,如希罗多德 、 修昔底德 、 色诺芬 、 波利比奥斯等.
互联网Roche was in two minds whether to make the trip to Oslo.
柯林斯例句All the prizes are awarded in Stockholm except for the peace prize in Oslo, Norway.
除了和平奖在挪威首都奥斯陆颁发外, 其它奖项的颁奖地点均在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩.
互联网Ninety - four skiers carried the flame to the Opening Ceremony in Olympic stadium in Oslo.
互联网How many days'sail is it from Hull to Oslo?
互联网The Fields Medal was first awarded at the 10 th congress, held at Oslo in 1936.
互联网The Holmenkollen ski jumping board is one of the most famous symbols of Oslo.
互联网The earliest museum of skiing was founded in Oslo, Norway, in 1923.
互联网Oslo and London are the world's most expensive cities.
互联网Not until 1996, after the Oslo peace agreement made it possible, did he return to Palestine.
直到1996年, 奥斯陆和平协议创造了可能性, 他才重返巴勒斯坦.
互联网Vigeland Park, the biggest sculpture park in the world, is in the city of Oslo.
维格郎公园是世界上最大的雕塑公园, 它位于奥斯陆城内.
互联网The most charming place of Oslo is the winter skiing.
互联网Oslo maintained its top position from 2005, while London rose three places to second.
奥斯陆继2005年夺冠后再度荣登榜首, 而伦敦的排名今年上升了三位,获得“亚军”.
互联网When will the earliest train to Oslo depart?
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