奥利(男子名, Oliver 的昵称);
Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.
互联网Jeff: Of course, they have strange appearances, such as duckbill , millie, and kookaburra ( Ollie ) .
杰夫: 当然, 它们的外貌稀奇古怪, 有鸭嘴兽 、 针 、 笑 翠鸟.
互联网Jennifer: Come on. Ollie, don't be stupid, would you please? It's inevitable.
詹妮弗: 好了, 奥利, 别犯傻了, 好 不好 ?这是不可避免的.
期刊摘选Ollie W 919 mobile phone manufacturers and phone number?
期刊摘选Ollie: I appreciate it, but, no, thanks.
奥利: 承蒙看得起, 不过不行, 心领了.
互联网Ollie: Is that why you are here?
奥利: 你就是为这个来的 么 ?
互联网Ollie: You could run a full specification Space Shuttle simulator on it , it � � s so powerful.
奥利: 这部电脑功率大得很,可以运行全规格太空穿梭机模拟程式.
互联网I couldn't resist the temptation to tease Ollie.
辞典例句Cold, Hungry, and very, very tired, Ollie crawled under a bush.
欧儿好冷, 好饿, 而且非常非常地累.他终于在一丛灌木下面,缩成了一团.
互联网Do you think Ollie might be immune? - lt's a possibility.
互联网Ollie: Jesus Christ ! You've got some nerve, Lady. You're really having a banner evening.
奥利: 老天爷! 你够有胆子的啊, 女士. 今天晚上你很志得意满啊.
互联网Called ollie pollen in Holland, they are stuffed with sweets like raisins and fruit.
奥利博伦在荷兰, 他们是装满糖果如葡萄干和水果.
互联网Ollie peeped out from the bush - it was Mum!
欧儿从灌木丛后面探头张望 —— 那是妈妈 呀 !
互联网Ollie: What? Buying me one lunch is gonna square you with Krishna?
奥利: 什么? 你以为请我吃顿午饭就能功德圆满 吗 ?
互联网Ollie : I'm familiar with that Chinese proverb!
奥里: 我对这句中文谚语还挺熟的!
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