National Public Radio 国内公用无线电台;
The amplitudethe augments with the increasing NPR, which reaches its maximum on a critical pressure ratio.
当压比处于某一范围内时, 流场振幅最大,振荡最剧烈.
互联网Meanwhile, as NPR's Margot Adler reports, police on high alert.
同时, 据NPR的玛戈·阿德勒报道, 警方保持高度警戒.
互联网NPR's Neda Ulaby reports Whitfield co - wrote some of the biggest hits of his day.
互联网NPR's Susan StanBerg reports.
互联网NPR's business news starts with a Hollywood original changing hands.
NPR 商业新闻将从一宗好莱坞出乎意料的转手交易开始.
互联网The results show that the flow field oscillation is relevant to the NPR.
互联网Furthermore , complicated factors may exist in the genetic of the net photosynthetic rate ( NPR ) .
净 光合速率 的遗传则可能存在复杂因素.
互联网NPR 1 , coloned from Arabidopsis thaliana , is akey regulatory gene of Systemic Acquired Resistance ( SAR ). Anthuriun andreanumLind.
利用农杆菌把植物系统获得性抗性的关键调节基因 NPR1 转化安祖花, 以获得抗性转基因植株,具有重大的现实意义和经济意义.
互联网NPR's Giles Snyder reports.
互联网Today , NPR uses the same rendering pipeline as realistic rendering.
和真实感渲染一样,非真实感渲染向着复杂化 、 自动化、实时化等方向发展.
互联网From NPR News in Washington, Im Jack Speer.
这是来自华盛顿的NPR新闻, 我是杰克斯皮尔.
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