National Health Service 英国国民健康保险制度;
The fees offered by the NHS do not recompense dental surgeons for their professional time.
柯林斯例句This vaccine is not normally provided free under the NHS.
柯林斯例句There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories.
柯林斯例句He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director.
——柯林斯例句The NHS budget has doubled in the past decade while dentistry decayed.
——期刊摘选A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner ( GP ).
一位患者通过 NHS 的首次约诊通常是他们的全科医生.
期刊摘选I got my hearing - aid on the NHS.
辞典例句How do I get a hearing aid through the NHS?
告诉人们如何通过NHS得到 助听器.
互联网We're extremely encouraged by our findings, and keen to see the approach adopted within the NHS.
我们的发现非常令人鼓舞, 渴望该方法在NHS中得到采用.
互联网The survival rate of PVEC was ( 71±22 ) % under action of 25 % AB, type NHS.
在25%的正常人AB型血清作用下,猪血管内皮细胞的存活率为(71±22 ) %.
互联网The National Health Service ( NHS ) is on a primary health care model.
NHS 乃是基于初级保健模式的系统.
互联网From the Department of Otolaryngoloy - and Neck Surgery , Queen Elizabeth University Hospitals NHS Trust , Edgbaston , Birmingham , UK.
互联网The NHS was rescued thanks to me.
互联网Recently, Glaxo appealed to the NHS to reconsider its guidance to doctors.
最近, 葛兰素公司呼吁国民保健局重新考虑它发给医生的指示.
互联网Whoever wins the NHS will remain free the point of use and financed by taxes.
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