<法> (文艺作品等的)主题( motif的名词复数 );中心思想;基本模式;基本图案;
This indicated that there are plenty of unmethylated CpG motifs in BCG - CpG - DNA, which have immunostimulatory functions.
所制备的BCG-CpG-DNA含较多的未甲基化CpG基序, 具有免疫刺激活性功能.
互联网Frieze of Life motifs such as The Storm and Moonlight are steeped in atmosphere.
——期刊摘选This color - sensitive inventiveness leads to a variation of repetitions of form and motifs.
互联网The passage and chamber stones are also richly engraved with spiral, lozenge and zigzag motifs.
走廊和内厅的石头上也被刻上了丰富的螺旋形 、 菱形和锯齿形的图案.
期刊摘选CpG motifs are oligodeoxynucleotides which have strong immuno - stimulating functions in animals.
互联网Most motifs that have appeared in Cinderella are reserved in these movies.
互联网Many are carved with motifs derived from monster and human - like faces.
互联网I try to develop beyond the old motifs.
辞典例句Paste the motifs on to the target placement on the fabric.
互联网The profiles of moldings are traditionally enhanced by flower or leaf forms, geometric motifs, or spirals.
传统上都会用花叶形状 、 几何图案 、 螺线纹的雕刻来美化线脚的基本轮廓.
互联网Other motifs illuminate the nocturnal side of love, such as Rose and Amelie and Vampire.
其它主题有揭示爱的阴暗面的, 比如《玫瑰与阿美莉》和《吸血鬼》.
互联网On fan landscapes, genre scenes, and bird, flower, and animal motifs, with accompanying poems are depicted.
绘画中对鸟兽 、 花卉 、 风景的生动描绘把大自然带人室内.扇画上常描绘山水 、 民俗、花鸟和动物, 并常配有诗词.
互联网The borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent.
互联网Without deliberately thinking about it, MOTIFS for love - lyrics began to agitate his brain.
互联网These cards were made of cloth and depicted motifs from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc.
这些扑克是用布料制造,描述《罗摩衍那》 、 《摩诃婆罗多》等主题.
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