[人名] [苏格兰人姓氏] 麦克劳克林 McLachlan的变体;[地名] [加拿大、美国] 麦克劳克林;
New public figures suddenly abound in the hitherto faceless totalitarian tableaux ( John McLaughlin )
在从前是一张白板的专制时代的画面上突然涌现出众多的知名人士(约翰麦克劳夫林 )
互联网Mr. McLaughlin points out that complainants can still take their case to court if they lose.
互联网A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ( Mignon McLaughlin )
成功的婚姻总是多次坠入情网,但 钟情 于同一人.
互联网Bruce McLaughlin knows of foreign companies that have paid bribes and suffered for it.
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