曼纽尔(男子名, Emmanuel的异体);
ABCs John Quinones talks with Manuel Uribe and Dr. JaimeGonzalez.
互联网Manuel Uribe and ABCs John Quinones.
互联网Chelsea are to sign - and immediately loan back - PSV Eindhoven fullback Manuel Da Costa.
互联网Cameraman Don Friedell films Manuel Uribe exercising inhisbed.
互联网He thinks certainly Manuel sends Yi that, wrote an ebullient acknowledgment letter then.
他认为那一定是伊曼纽尔送的, 于是写了一封热情洋溢的感谢信函.
互联网Manuel Uribe , the Fattest Man in the World.
互联网Manuel Uribe and his physician, Dr. Jaime Gonzalez.
互联网Manuel is in a tight spot.
互联网A vibrating machine that helps to increase bloodcirculationsits outside Manuel Uribes home in Monterrey, Mexico.
在乌里韦的家外安放着一只振荡机, 用来帮助他血液循环.
互联网Before becoming a Rotary World Peace Scholar, Manuel worked as editor of a local government newspaper.
在成为扶轮世界和平奖学生学者之前, 曼纽在一家官方报社担任编辑.
互联网Don Manuel, the back and the top of your guitars seem to be fairly stiff.
马奴维先生, 你的吉他似乎背板和面板相当的硬.
互联网Early in January of 1981, I visited Manuel Vel á zquez.
1981年初, 我拜访了马奴维·维拉兹盖兹.
互联网Is it time for Mr Manuel to loosen the purse strings?
曼努艾尔部长是否因该考虑扩大开支 呢 ?
互联网Mr. Micheletti has repeatedly refused to consider the reinstatement of the ousted president, Manuel Zelaya .
米凯莱蒂先生曾一再拒绝考虑前总统 -曼努埃尔塞 拉亚复职.
互联网From somewhere in the mist, the voice of Manuel Aringarosa whispered to him.
从雾中的某个地方, 传来曼努埃尔·阿林加洛沙主教的低语.
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