[人名] 曼尼;[人名]弗莱德·阿米森;
Ellie: Manny, you cant pick favorites with your kids!
艾丽: 曼尼, 不能对孩子们挑三拣四!
——期刊摘选I always thought he would be a dangerous fight for Manny Pacquiao.
互联网Hey, Manny. Can you pull back the tree and shoot me into the pond?
嘿! 嘿!蛮尼. 你能把这颗树拉弯,并把我射到水池里去 吗 ?
互联网Any chance I could squeeze in there with you, Manny, ol'pal?
互联网Diegothe tiger , Manny the mammoth, and Sid the sloth are all back to save the day.
剑齿虎狄亚哥 、 长毛象蛮尼和树懒喜德全都重返萤光幕前,将一切化险为夷.
互联网Manny : What's it like being on a rock face? It must be very scary.
曼尼: 在岩壁上,感觉是怎样的? 一定很吓人.
互联网Also favored is businessman Manny Villar whose campaign has focused on his rags to riches life.
商人维拉尔的竞选宣传战集中在他从贫困到富有的奋斗经历. 维拉尔也被一些人看好.
互联网Sid: Manny, can I have a dog?
希德: 曼尼, 我能有只狗 吗 ?
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