The shooting of The Maltese Falcon proceeded without a hitch.
——柯林斯例句The driver was very dark. Maltese, maybe.
柯林斯例句A MAN had an Ass Maltese Lapdog, a very great beauty.
主人有一头驴子, 整日关在栏里吃草.
互联网I'm from Malta and I've read somewhere you have Maltese relatives. Is this so?
互联网Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her pet Maltese dog, Daisy.
互联网Maltese who had run another division of the company moved in took charge.
互联网Language: Maltese and English are both official languages.
语言: 官方语言为英语和马耳他语.
互联网Top quality red VIP ( Teddy Bear dog ), Yorkshire and the race - class small dog Maltese.
高品质的顶级红贵宾 ( 泰迪熊犬 ) 、 约克夏犬及比赛级小型雪白色的玛尔济斯.
互联网A man owned a Maltese dog and a donkey.
互联网English is the official language in Malta along with Maltese.
互联网This award is visible on the top left corner of the Maltese Flag.
互联网Less Maltese crosses were observed under polarized - light microscopy, indicating the changes of crystalline structure.
在偏光显微镜下观察到较少的偏光十字, 表明淀粉的结晶结构发生了变化.
互联网It is most common in West Highland White Terriers, Maltese , Bichons, and Poodles.
最常见于西部高地白梗 、 马尔济斯犬 、 比雄犬和贵宾犬.
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