He played for AS Real Bamako where he was three times named champion of Mali.
互联网In weakening Mali, Field Mouse was patient and often subtle.
在削弱马利的过程中, 地老鼠表现得很有耐心而且手法常常是巧妙的.
互联网Originally, Tou Mali a much stronger force, but the Field Mouse had whittled it down.
窦马利的势力原来比较强, 但是,后来被地老鼠给削弱了不少.
互联网The Field Mouse was not averse to meeting Mali, but he was afraid of a trap.
地老鼠并不反对见面, 但他担心这是个陷阱.
互联网In Mali , women's groups make and sell soap produce produced with seeds.
在马里, 妇女组织用制作卖生产的肥皂.
互联网Konare became Mali's President on June 8 th this year.
互联网In Mali , women's women's groups and sell soap produced with jatropha seeds.
在马里, 女性团体使用麻疯树种子制作并出售肥皂.
互联网France is down 5 places to 35 th , along with Australia, Bulgaria and Mali.
法国下降5位, 与澳大利亚 、 保加利亚和马里一起并列第35位.
互联网The capital and largest city of Mali , in the southwest on the Niger River.
首都和最大城市, 位于尼罗河畔的西南部.
互联网Mali gains independence from France.
互联网January 16 to 21 were spent in Mali.
互联网Meet Mali, a new member of the San Diego Zoo.
互联网But Mali is making a comeback, eating and gaining weight.
但是美丽还是坚强地存活了下来,并已经可以进食, 体重也开始增加.
互联网In Mali, women's groups make and sell soap produced with jatropha seeds.
在马里, 一些妇女团体制作和销售用麻疯树籽制成的肥皂.
互联网Similar studies took place in field trials in Mali and Niger.
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