The innate resistance thought to be related to the activity of macrophages.
辞典例句Result : GLB 7 increased the production of IP 3 and DAG in murine peritoneal macrophages.
互联网The exudate consists of edema fluid, protein, Pneumocystis organisms, and dead macrophages.
渗出物包含水肿液 、 蛋白质 、 肺孢子虫以及坏死的巨噬细胞.
互联网Additional pink epithelioid macrophages compose most of the rest of the granuloma.
互联网Microscopically, Mycobacterium avium - intracellulare infection is marked by numerous acid fast organisms growing within macrophages.
显微镜下, 可见巨噬细胞内大量鸟型分枝杆菌,已用抗酸染色标记出来.
互联网All of these entities lack prominent foamy macrophages.
——期刊摘选Finally methods are described for the analysis of gene expression in macrophages.
期刊摘选The macrophages collect to ingest the lipid material.
期刊摘选We suspected that certain tumor cells produce substances that prevent macrophages from finding and destroying them.
辞典例句Clusters of lipid - laden macrophages are seen.
互联网The positive signals all located at cytoplasm of monocyte - macrophages system.
结果显示阳性信号多位于单核 - 巨噬细胞系统细胞胞浆内.
互联网HLA DR Ag was strongly expressed on activated T cells , macrophages.
巨噬细胞 、 T淋巴细胞高表达HLADR抗原 (P& lt; 005).
互联网Therefore, changing the types of the macrophages could affect host tumor immunity.
因此, 改变巨噬细胞类型可以影响机体对肿瘤的免疫应答.
互联网There were lots of active fibroblasts and macrophages around the deposit.
互联网Macrophages, as part of the inflammatory response, produce reactivespecies in order to attack bacteria.
巨噬细胞作为炎症反应的一部分, 可以产生活性氧以抗击细菌.
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