Dey is de shiflesses, mos'ungrateful passel of no - counts livin '.
俺说过多回了,他们全是懒虫, 不识好歹.
飘(部分)The MOS dynamic shift regisers do not consist of flip - flops , but of inverters.
MOS动态移位寄存器不是用 触发器组成, 而是用反相器组成.
辞典例句A new structure of power MOS - gated thyristor named Trench MOS Controlled Thyristor ( TMCT ) is presented.
报道了一种新结构的功率栅控晶闸管,称其为槽栅MOS控制的晶闸管 ( TMCT ) .
互联网The company has advanced MOS integrated circuit.
期刊摘选Extreme - pressure ( EP ) properties 、 anti - wear ( AW ) and friction - reducing properties of mono - dispersed micro - spherical MoS _ 2 ( MS - MoS _ 2 )
当MS-MoS _2和 CC -MoS_ 2在LP中 的添加浓度分别为各自的最佳添加量0.25%和0.5% ( 质量分数 ) 、载荷为400N时,其摩擦系数较 纯 LP分别 降低了 46.9% 和6.3%,磨损 体积 分别降低了 52.1% 和12.0%.
互联网Hot - carrier effect is a major reliability failure mechanism of MOS devices and circuits.
互联网Prof. of Electrical Engineering : Kiss is N - type, the latch - up phenomenon in MOS.
电机教授: 接吻是一种N型金属氧化物半导体间的闭锁(锁存;闩锁;锁上)现象.
互联网Wu Kai Sha Station will be the northern terminus of MOS Rail.
互联网A low - voltage ferrite driver IC with power MOS transistors is presented.
介绍了一种集成低压铁氧体驱动器和功率MOS管 的单片集成电路.
互联网At the though I felt in my pocket for the mos.
互联网New realization of neural networks is presented by using MOS transistors in current mode domain.
本文提出了采用MOS晶体管 的电流型模拟电子神经网络的新实现.
互联网It has insulated gate MOS devices and the ability to quickly switch.
它具有MOS器件 栅极绝缘和快速开关的能力.
互联网This paper proposes a new technique to automatically generate STACK layout for MOS analog cell circuits.
提出了一种新的MOS模拟单元电路的STACK版图 自动生成方法.
互联网N - channel enhancement mode vertical D - MOS transistor.
N沟道增强型垂直D -MOS 晶体管.
互联网A modeling methodology for MOS varactor was presented for applications at millimeter - wave frequencies.
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