Measure of Effectiveness 有效性量度,效率测量,效能测量;
The Krogh - Moe and Abe structural model of borate glasses are discussed.
探讨了Krogh -Moe 和Abe硼酸盐玻璃结构模型的某些不足之处.
互联网Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.
柯林斯例句JERRY: Yeah, that's good. He'd clunk our heads together like Moe.
杰瑞: 是, 很好. 他会像摩尔一样砍了我们的头.
互联网Moe Greene : He was banging cocktail waitresses ! Players couldn't get a drink.
他跟酒廊的女 侍 鬼混,客人喝酒没人送.
互联网" If Moe Greene wanted to talk to your father, why not let him?
“ 既然莫-格林想要同你爸爸谈谈, 干吗不同意 哪 ?
教父部分T won't even mention it to the Don. " He turned to Moe Greene.
这个问题,我甚至也不打算在老头子面前提说. ”
教父部分Michael said pleasantly, " Let's save Moe Greene to the end, OK?
迈克尔愉快他说: “ 咱们还是把莫-格林放在最后, 行 吗 ?
教父部分He leaned back. Moe Greene was a dead man, he thought.
他朝后一仰, 靠在椅背上, 认为莫-格林已经死定了.
教父部分" Mike, you sure about Moe Greene selling?
“ 迈克, 你有把握让莫-格林卖掉他的股份?
教父部分One is the method based on minimum output energy ( MOE ), the other is the subspace approach.
一类是基于最小输出能量 ( MOE:minimumoutputenergy ) 准则的盲算法, 另一类是基于子空间的盲算法.
互联网If you are only 65, near moe to a retirement community.
如果你只有65岁的话, 千万别进退休社区.
互联网The algorithm has low complexity, and the method proposed here has better performance than MOE detector.
理论分析及仿真实验表明,该算法具有较低的复杂度, 且性能要优于MOE检测器.
互联网Air must moe in and out of each lung.
互联网Moe and more students go in for basketball in our college.
互联网Moe flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint.
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