Aim : To explore the therapeutic effect of MCI - 186 on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and its mechanism.
目的: 探讨MCI-186干预实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)的疗效及机制.
互联网The M CI of the tumors like cast type in 48.6 %.
肿瘤边缘呈小波浪状或结节状突起占77.6%,肿瘤与心脏大血管接触面(MCI) 呈灌铸型占48.6%.
互联网Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are independent risk factors for MCI.
互联网Adding DTI to hippocampal volume significantly improved the accuracy to separate MCI and AD from CN.
互联网Soon after the book was promoted in shi lang, Mci jue wide.
不久又升任中书侍郎, 赐爵广平县男.
互联网In patients with MCI, researchers identified regions of brain atrophy and increased water content white - matter areas.
互联网MCI provides applications with device - independent capabilities for controlling audio and visual peripherals.
互联网By introducing MCI initial allocation, improved algorithm increases system throughput compare to the bound ( PF ).
通过引入MCI初始 分配结果, 改进算法可提供比理论上界 ( 比例公平 ) 更高的系统吞吐量.
互联网The Modified Configuration Interaction method ( MCI ) is used to calculate the correlated energy of multi - electron systems.
互联网Conclusions: 1、 The results indicate IGT is not a risk factor for MCI.
[结论]1、本研究得出IGT不是MCI的 危险因素.
互联网Fifty percent of people over age 65 with MCI will develop Alzheimer's within five years.
互联网Phone and cabletelevision operators, such as Bell South, MCI and Cox Enterprises.
电话业者与有线电视业者, 诸如南方贝尔公司, MCI公司与柯克斯企业.
互联网Main Outcome Measures Incidence of MCI and rate of decline in cognitive function.
互联网From these images patterns associated with MCI were detected.
互联网Some MCI applications use command strings when and command messages when retrieving information from the device.
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