Start - up begins with the BIOS loading the Master Boot Record ( MBR ) on the bootable disk.
启动的BIOS开始加载主引导记录 ( MBR ) 磁盘上启动.
互联网Membrane fouling is a key factor for stable operation of membrane bioreactor ( MBR ).
互联网A novel on - line ultrasound assisted membrane bioreactor ( US - MBR ) was proposed to control membrane pollution.
构建 在线 超声-膜生物反应器 ( US-MBR ),利用间歇超声辐照控制膜污染.
互联网The membrane bioreactor ( MBR ) is a kind of synergic process of biodegradation and membrane separation essentially.
互联网The ore phase structure, mineral composition and metallurgical property of Brazilian MBR lump ore were introduced.
分析了巴西MBR块矿的矿相结构 、 矿物组成及冶金性能.
互联网To reinstate GRUB as the system boot loader it needs to be reinstalled into the MBR.
互联网Does not modify and change the MBR ( Master Boot Record ).
并不改变,改变膜生物反应器 ( 主引导记录 ).
互联网MBR ( Master Boot Record ) triple boot -.
主启动记录 ) 多系统启动.
互联网Data recovery after the loss of MBR, Boot sector or loss of allocation information ( FAT ).
数据恢复后,损失的MBR, 引导扇区或全损的分配信息 ( 发 ).
互联网Here is a '' How To " for GPT and MBR triple boot including Mac - Win - Linux.
下面是 “ 如何用 ” GPT和MBR多系统启动,包含Mac、 Win 、Linux多 种系统.
互联网For linux , do not install bootloader to MBR , install it to linux root.
互联网Data recovery after the loss of MBR, Boot sector or File Allocation Table.
数据恢复后,损失的MBR, 引导扇区或文件分配表.
互联网Membrane fouling problem is an obstacle that affecting the popular application of membrane bio - reactor ( MBR ) technology.
膜污染问题是影响膜生物反应器 ( MBR ) 技术推广使用的一大障碍.
互联网Now you have triple boot on MBR.
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