The system has 256 MB RAM, expandable to 2GB.
这个系统内存 256 兆字节,可扩充到 2 千兆字节。
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》The B - module MB is said to be obtained from M by extension of scalars.
我们说B - 核MB是从M验纯量扩充而得到的.
辞典例句Matching: TV Limited, 2 MB free broadband, full bathroom!
配套: 电视有限, 2兆免费宽带, 卫浴齐全!
——期刊摘选The test of ALT, AST, � � - GT, LDH, CHE, α - HBDH, α - Amy, CK, CK - MB, T - Bil, P - ALB , T - CHO, TG, HDL - Cho , ApoA 1, ApoB 100, GSP, D 3 and Urea levels are limited by using heparin.
目前条件下ALT 、 AST 、 -γGT 、 LDH 、 CHE 、 -αHBDH 、 -αAmy 、 CK 、 CK-MB 、 T-Bil 、 P -ALB 、 T-CHO 、 TG 、 HDL -Cho 、 ApoA1 、 ApoB100 、 GSP 、 D3和Urea运用肝素有局限性.
互联网Objective To discuss the relationship between neonate asphyxia and serum CK - MB changes.
互联网Results The CK - MB in 58 cases of 66 had increased and severe cases had higher CK - MB.
结果窒息组66例中,有58例血清CK-MB 明显增高,且重度窒息者CK-MB 增高更为显著.
互联网Their computer system cannot handle receiving massive e - mails larger than 5 MB.
互联网The ServicePackFiles i 386 folder occupies around 530 MB of disk space.
——期刊摘选Objective To observe the effect of SDT with piroxicam on proliferation and apoptosis of MDA - MB - 231 cells.
目的从细胞增殖和凋亡两方面观察吡罗昔康声动力效应对乳腺癌细胞MDA -MB-231 的迟发抑制作用.
互联网Magnetotactic bacteria ( MB ) belongs to Mycetozoan class with simple prokaryotic cell.
趋磁细菌 ( MB ) 属变形菌纲,为简单的原核细胞.
互联网When installed, it takes up 5 MB of space.
安装时, 它占了5MB的空间.
互联网ThepositiverateofcTnTandcTnIat 6 hourafterAMIwere 61.9 % and 64.3 %, which were significantly higher than that of CK and CK - MB ( 7.1 % and 4.7 % ).
6d内cTnT、cTnI阳性检出率为61.9%、64.3%, 而CK、CK-MB检出率为 7.1% 、4.7%.
互联网What are the average size ( in MB ) of each app by category?
每个分类的应用平均 容量 有多大?
互联网AIM : To study the effect of CD 73 on breast cancer cell line MB - MDA - 231 adhesion to extracellular matrix.
目的: 探讨CD73对乳腺癌细胞MB -MDA-231 与细胞外基质黏附的影响及其机制.
互联网A mere 15 second , WAV file will require about 1.5 MB of storage.
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