肝脏( liver的名词复数 );(供食用的)肝;过着某种生活的人;
Shake off any excess flour before putting livers in the pan.
柯林斯例句The ATP content in fetal livers was lowest in Group EP, second lowest in Group E.
胎肝组织ATP含量以EP组降低最明显, E组次之.
互联网To date, biopsies are the only effective diagnostic test for fatty livers.
时至今日, 活检是诊断脂肪肝唯一有效的方法.
互联网Regular exercise reduces fat in livers of diabetics, according to a study.
互联网Similarly, liver cells can be encapsulated to generate mini - livers.
互联网Frenchmen worry about their livers.
互联网Right in front of your eyes. I want some chicken livers and giblets.
就在你眼前, 我要些鸡胗肝.
期刊摘选I want some chicken livers and giblets.
无师自通 校园英语会话The livers of the cod and the halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil.
鳕鱼和比目鱼, 这两种鱼的肝脏出的油营养丰富.
期刊摘选When fed to animals that had partial hepatectomies, their livers grew back more quickly.
将其给做完部分肝切除术的动物吃, 可以发现它们肝功能恢复速度较快.
互联网It's roast chicken stuffed with chicken livers and cream cheese.
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