[人名] 劳;[地名] [巴布亚新几内、尼日利亚、苏丹] 拉乌;
From award winning Hong Kong directors Alan Mak and Andrew Lau.
互联网So Lau Yuen ( Study Hall )
沂流园 ( 书院 )
互联网Photo 2.48 Guru Lau's Stupa ( Made of Bronze and gold - plated ) .
图2.48福德法幢 ﹝ 刘上师﹞之舍利塔﹝青铜铸成并贴上金箔 ﹞.
互联网Kelvin Lau is the regional economist at Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong.
互联网There are easy road access Lau ( House Gap ) salt ( Yanguoxia ) highway.
有简易公路接刘 ( 家峡 ) 盐 ( 锅峡 ) 公路.
互联网Hui Lau Shan, Tin can also go to trial pigeon.
许留山, 还可以去沙田去试乳鸽.
互联网Lau said having hepatitis B hasn't affected his work.
互联网Lau: All artists should continue to absorb new ideas, right?
刘: 所以艺人是应该不断吸收‘日月精华’对 吗 ?
互联网Professor Lawrence J. Lau as the sixth Vice - Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
互联网I left a fortnight ago a disagreement with the president Mr. Lau.
互联网Lau: Singing, acting and dancing, among the three, which one you enjoy most? As of today.
刘: 唱歌, 演戏,跳舞, 三大表演项目中, 你最享受是什 麽 ?以今天作准.
互联网And this is the very methodology of Lau, in which he treasures all objects and scenes.
对于照片、文字 、 生活细节,都应一并重视--这正是刘先生珍惜一切物象的方法论.
互联网Mr Lau was fined the sum of HK $ 150,000.
互联网Lau: Not any more, definitely no more.
刘: 不会了, 现在肯定不会有了.
互联网Lau, also known as Liu Lan , Liu, Late Song Yuanchu people.
刘銮, 又名刘蓝 、 刘元, 宋末元初人.
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