[医]综合征:本征特点为腭裂,面部扁平,多处关节先天性脱位,及足畸形;[人名] 拉森;[地名] [荷兰、美国] 拉森;
Again Wolf Larsen laughed, at the same time beckoning them with his arm to follow.
海狼赖生又笑了, 同时挥手招呼他们追过来.
辞典例句Mr. Larsen holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours ( First Class ) from the University of Melbourne.
拉森先生拥有墨尔本大学文学士 ( 一等 ) 荣誉学位.
互联网Larsen's frost - blackened lips curved cynically.
互联网The compensations of such religion are denied Wolf Larsen.
辞典例句Larsen - Freeman , D .2000 . Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . ( 2 nd edition ) Oxford University Press.
互联网Michael Larsen , public - safety director of the neighborhood council , said the situation was " out of control. "
公共安全主任 迈克·拉森 表示,情况已经变得 “ 不可控制 ” 了.
互联网Of course it is out of the question that Johnson should thrash Wolf Larsen.
辞典例句Wolf Larsen said to me, " Look at this bit of animated dust. "
海狼赖生对我说, “ 看看这一点儿有生命的灰尘 ”.
辞典例句In the final tonight, I've beaten Mr. Larsen of Denmark and win the championship title.
在今晚的决赛中, 我打败了丹麦的拉尔森先生,获得冠军.
互联网All the devil that was in him challenged the devil in Wolf Larsen.
辞典例句Wolf Larsen was quite considerate, the sailors helped me.
海狼赖生非常体谅我, 水手们都帮助我.
辞典例句Wendell Larsen , our vice - president of public affairs, would brief them.
我们主管公众事条的副总裁 温德尔·拉森 给他们介绍情况.
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