Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气;
Basic load LNG plant is very imPOrtant in world LNG industry.
液化天然气基本负荷工厂(Base- LoadLNGPlants)在世界LNG工业中处于非常重要的地位.
互联网Company is the leading small - scale LNG, the company's contribution as the ratio of close to 5.
公司是国内小型LNG的 龙头, 对公司贡献比例接近5成.
互联网Meanwhile, Iran has scaled down its target for producing liquefied natural gas ( LNG ).
与此同时, 伊朗降低了液化天然气 ( LNG ) 产量目标.
互联网LNG Carrier to be researched in this thesis belongs to this category.
互联网Steam turbine installations have dominated LNG carrier propulsion and power generation for the past forty years.
互联网Abnormal pressure happens to the LNG piping.
互联网Conclusion LNG - IUS is an effective therapy without obvious adverse effect on lipid metabolism and hepatic function.
互联网Objective To assess the effect of levonorgestrel - releasing intrauterine system ( LNG - IUS ) on serum lipids and hepatic function.
目的探讨左旋炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统 ( LNG-IUS ) 对育龄妇女血脂及肝功能的影响.
互联网LNG receiving terminal is the major link of LNG industrial chain.
液化天然气接收终端是LNG工业 链的重要环节,投资庞大,其技术涉及众多领域.
互联网It is very important to study and apply LNG techniques for full use of gas resources.
因此,开展LNG技术 的研究与应用对充分合理利用我国天然气资源具有十分重要的意义.
互联网According to the results, Rankine cycle and Brayton cycle are advised to recycle LNG physical exergy.
依据研究结果, 提出了采用Rankine循环 和Brayton循环的方法来实现LNG物理回收利用.
互联网The LNG carriers , Dapeng Sun and Dapeng Moon, are put into operation in 2008.
LNG运输船“ 大鹏 昊”和“大鹏月”LNG运输船 于2008年投入运营.
互联网This small terminal has two LNG tanks, each with a capacity of 35,000 cubic meters.
这小的终端机有二个LNG箱, 每个由于35,000个立方公尺的能力.
互联网These show that the construction of LNG vehicle station in Zhoushan City has good economic benefit.
互联网The paper givesaccount of the distribution of world � � s LNG market.
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