[地名] 中(韩国语);荣格;
Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams. The Bible says so too.
——柯林斯例句Once again, Jung sees the transcendence of opposites as the ideal.
再提一次, Jung超越相对之物的方法是将其视为等值.
互联网At least one cognitive psychologist has suggested looking for the structures that correspond to Jung's archetypes!
互联网But Jung had never been entirely sold on Freud's theory.
互联网But Jung has pointed out that adults search more for integration, for the transcending of opposites.
互联网Jung said it was like seeing around corners.
互联网But scientists, including most psychologists, have a lot of trouble with Jung.
但科学家, 包括大多数心理学家, 对Jung感到很困扰.
互联网Jung was never clear about his own religious beliefs.
互联网Like Freud, Jung tries to bring everything into his system.
就像Freud, Jung试著将所有事物都导入他的系统.
互联网Jung gives us three principles, beginning with the principle of opposites.
Jung给予我们三个法则:首先, 从相对原理开始.
互联网Critics have suggested that Jung was, very simply, ill himself when all this happened.
评论家们认为Jung很单纯 、 自然的, 在这一切来临时,伤害他自己.
互联网The last is Judging - Perceiving ( J - P ), not one of Jung's original dimensions.
最后一项是判断 —— 理解 ( J -P ), 并非Jung所原创的重点之一.
互联网These criticisms do not cut the foundation out from under Jung's theory.
互联网Jung Lu wrote me a poem once.
柯林斯例句The archetypes, at first glance, might seem to be Jung's strangest idea.
首先简略提及的原型, 似乎是Jung最奇妙的论点.
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