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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie add another child to their family!
互联网Angelina Jolie has been called the most respected celebrity humanitarian.
互联网Angelina Jolie sure has been in a chatty mood recently.
互联网Angelina Jolie has revealed that she keeps guns in her house for protection.
互联网A lot of people consider Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie the best - looking couple in the world.
互联网Madonna has outraged Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie by criticising their charity work.
互联网Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are reportedly planning a Christmas wedding in South Africa.
互联网Rumors of Pitt and Jolie's off - screen relationship had been circulating for months.
有关皮特和朱莉 银屏 下关系暧昧的传言已经流传了好几个月了.
互联网Jolie came hair down a black strapless leather dress, and had Pitt on her arm.
朱莉吸引了大批人群.朱莉肩披长发,身穿黑色无肩带皮质礼服, 与皮特挽手亮相.
互联网Jolie, Snow, and Mi all come from Vietnam.
她们目前就读于国际企业管理硕士班一年级, 且都来自于越南.
互联网The black - and - white photo shows Jolie smiling, her long brown hair cascading over her shoulder.
在这张 黑白 照中,茱丽面带微笑, 一头棕色的长发像瀑布一样泻在肩膀上.
互联网Jolie came hair a black strapless leather dress, and had Pitt on her arm.
朱莉肩披长发,身穿黑色无肩带皮质礼服, 与皮特挽手亮相.
互联网Colin: Have you seen the Angeline Jolie movie Tomb Raider?
科林: 你看了安吉丽娜·朱丽的电影《古墓丽影》了 吗 ?
互联网Jolie later married Billy Bob Thornton and wears his name in tattoo ink.
互联网Her 1999 Oscar brought further notoriety to Jolie.
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