Johanna took piano lessons.
——柯林斯例句Johanna, I shall never let him know I found out the truth.
约翰娜, 我决不会让他知道,我发现了事情的真相.
互联网Johanna took a little book from her schoolbag to show to her mother.
互联网The dress directly contrasts with pristine Johanna's blue and white Victorian dress.
互联网May Johanna Heek, born in 1984 , Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, currently lives and works in Amsterdam.
1984年生于荷兰的阿珀尔多伦, 现居阿姆斯特丹.
互联网Johanna was down for the competition.
互联网Johanna had moved, and she's not going to come back to our school anymore.
Johanna搬家了, 而且她不会再回到我们学校上课了.
互联网The answer may depend on what industry you work in, says Johanna Waterous.
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