伊拉克人( Iraqi的名词复数 );
Nearly 10 million Iraqis cast ballots in the October 15 referendum.
互联网For Iraqis, Baghdad Radio is the main official source of the information.
对于伊拉克, 巴格达的广播是官方信息的主要来源.
互联网Stability of Iraq is contingent a domestic pact among Iraqis.
——期刊摘选Despite this, not all Iraqis are clamouring for the Americans to go.
尽管如此, 也并非所有伊拉克人都嚷着让美军卷铺盖走人,事实也的确远非如此.
互联网The Iraqis still control a portion of the Fao peninsula.
互联网The provincial elections show that Iraqis have an appetite for it.
互联网Iraqis say that's the black smoke in the background.
互联网Iraqis began celebrating in the streets of the capital.
互联网Stability of Iraq is contingent ( temporary ) upon a domestic pact among Iraqis.
互联网The day when Iraqis govern themselves must come quickly.
互联网Other Iraqis working for the authorities have also been targeted.
互联网In these hard times, Iraqis need to be vic - torious, especially in sports.
在这些艰难的日子里, 伊拉克需要胜利, 特别是体育方面的胜利.
互联网But, of course, the 100,000 Iraqis were not snakes.
但是, 10万名伊拉克人当然不是蛇.
互联网But you partnered with the Iraqis to restore security.
互联网Many Iraqis, especially among the Kurds and Shias, rejoiced at his death.
许多伊拉克人, 特别是库尔德人和什叶派教徒对他的死欢呼雀跃.
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