ikke (Danish=not) (丹麦语)不;
Conclusion Shensongyangxin capsule can block Ik 1, Ito and Ik, which may contribute to its anti - arrhythmic effect.
结论参松养心胶囊干粉提取溶液对IK1, Ito和Ik均具有不同程度的阻滞作用.
互联网Kyoto coffin to be buried, large confer posthumouslysi kong , No. Ik Kang.
灵柩送到京都安葬, 追赠大司空, 谥号康.
——期刊摘选The Colossus is using our new IK system to setp up and down this cliff.
——期刊摘选Transthoracic ( tranz ik ) echocardiography is the most common type of echocardiogram test.
经胸超声波 心动 图是最为常见的一种超声波心动图检查.
互联网Last year Jiri Jaro? ik joined from CSKA Moscow .
去年加盟的是CSKA的 亚罗西克.
互联网In April, Liu Bei died Baidicheng , when he was 63 years old Ik Lady Gan emperor.
四月, 刘备死于白帝城, 时年63岁,谥昭烈皇帝.
互联网Ik Wind Communicative, mental and agile.
风擅长沟通表达, 和智力思辩,头脑敏捷的.
互联网To animate in IK, first use the Create IK Target function.
为了创建IK动画, 首先需要创建IK目标.
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