[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 霍尔顿;荷顿奇遇记(美国喜剧动画电影名);
In his long career at BP, Horton turned around two entire divisions.
柯林斯例句Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
——柯林斯例句Horton Inc. declined 54 cents, or 3.6 percent, to $ 14.67.
霍顿公司下跌54美分, 收盘价为81.21美元至14.67美元.
互联网Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.
辞典例句One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry from help coming from a speck of dust.
一天, 大象霍顿听到来自空气中漂浮的一粒尘埃的求助的哭声.
互联网For , while Horton sat there so faithful , so kind, three hunters came sneaking up softly behind!
就在忠心耿耿而且充满爱心的霍顿坐在那里的时候, 三个猎人蹑手蹑脚地从后面悄悄走了过来.
互联网Horton: Even though you can't see them at all , aa, no matter how small.
霍顿: 即使你看不到他们, 生命就是生命, 和个头大小无关.
互联网And off they all went with horton unhappy, one hundred per cent.
互联网Horton Hears a Who, from 20 th Century Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios ( Ice Age films ).
《霍顿与无名氏》是由20世纪福克斯动画公司和蓝天工作室 ( 电影《冰河世纪》系列 ) 联合出品.
互联网Horton: That's my code, my motto.
霍顿: 那是我的法则, 我的座右铭.引用.
互联网Horton the elephant heard a small noise.
互联网Flap Horton : Does this mean you won't be knitting the baby any booties?
互联网Although Horton's information management thoughts are special and valuable, some limitations and shortcoming still exist.
尽管霍顿的信息管理思想独到而有价值, 但仍存在一些局限和不足.
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