Hewlett - Packard has merged its Voodoo PC business unit with its consumer business, the company said Wednesday.
惠普 公司已合并其巫术PC业务的单位,其个人消费者业务, 该公司表示,周三.
互联网You can pay much less for laptops and desktops from competitors like Dell and Hewlett - Packard.
戴尔(Dell) 和 惠普 (Hewlett-Packard)等竞争对手的同级别台式和笔记本电脑价格要低得多.
互联网Hewlett - Packard after the acquisition, EDS, Hewlett - Packard EDS will have the high - end users, large customer base.
惠普 在收购EDS后, 惠普 就会拥有EDS用户的 高端 、 大客户群.
互联网Dell, Hewlett - Packard , and other OEMs would be required to add the software to their PC distributions.
戴尔, 惠普 和其他原始设备制造商将需要购买该软件的个人电脑分布.
互联网The deal puts Lenovo into the industry's third place, behind Dell and Hewlett - Packard ( HP ).
这桩生意使得联想成为行业老三, 仅次于戴尔和 惠普.
互联网At the same time, Hewlett Packard, put in place the swinging cuts in costs.
同时, 惠普还采取了大幅削减成本的举措.
互联网Scientists at Hewlett Packard's UK research labs are aiming to make the most of this.
互联网It involves Hewlett - Packard's use of investigators who gained private telephone records of board members and reporters.
它包括 惠普 的去获得董事会成员和记者私人电话录音的侦探的使用.
互联网I tested the HP Smart Web Printing Software, a free program from Hewlett - Packard Co.
我测试了惠普公司(Hewlett-PackardCo. )推出的“ 惠普 智能网页打印软件”(HPSmartWebPrintingSoftware).
互联网But Dell could not diversify its business, making it vulnerable once Hewlett - Packard matched its expertise.
但戴尔没能使其业务多元化,在 惠普 的专家技术可以与其媲美时, 使自己在竞争中处于弱势.
互联网Mr. Lin: It's a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4 L.
林先生: 是惠普激光打印机4L型.
互联网In 1985, HP established one of Sino - American high - tech joint venture in China - China Hewlett - Packard ( CHP ).
1985年, 惠普公司正式进入中国市场,成立了中国首家中美合资的高科技企业 —— 中国惠普有限公司.
互联网Hewlett - Packard , Geophysical Service ( now Texas Instruments ), United Technologies, Polaroid and Revlon started in the Depression.
惠普, GeophysicalService ( 现在的德州仪器 ), 联合技术, 宝丽莱和露华浓则是起步于大萧条时期.
互联网And people were just like, oh my god, you know , the Hewlett Packard garage thing.
人们的反映是, 我的上帝, 惠普车库的故事又重来了.
互联网Our company kept good cooperation relationships with HEWLETT PACKARD ( HP ) , YPI , AIC, BSH etc. companies.
本公司与惠普、YPI 、 AIC ( 天隆 ) 、 BSH等公司保持了良好的合作关系.
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