[人名] 海因茨;
CZ 02 The Code Template has been hidden by General Heinz.
互联网Heinz has launched the chutneys , sauces, ready meals and mixes into Mumbai and New Delhi.
亨氏已在孟买和新德里推出酸辣酱、沙司调料 、 即食膳食和膳食组合.
互联网Rick : When you get there , ask me!
互联网Heinz produced 1 million rainbow - colored, mystery bottles last year.
互联网It was clear that Heinz shared more than her eyes with Tex; she shared her heart.
显然,特克斯分享的不仅仅是 海因茨 的眼睛,还有它真诚的爱.
互联网The company has also launched Heinz Chef Style Sauces, a range of Mediterranean - and Chinese - style sauces.
亨氏也推出了厨师风格的沙司调料, 包含一系列地中海和中餐风味.
互联网Heinz is the brand you can trust.
互联网Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?
里克: 这不是我热爱的巴黎.
互联网To summarize , Teresa Heinz Kerry : Inspirational, amazing!
一句话: 特里萨-海因茨-克里, 鼓舞人心 、 极了!
互联网At 6 p.m. that evening, Karl Heinz was arrested as well.
晚上六点, 卡尔海因茨也被逮捕了.
互联网STOEHR KARL HEINZ GMBH informs you about Metalworking as well as about Distributor cabinets.
STOEHRKARLHEINZGMBH是 一家令客户满意的工业型企业,该企业生产杰出的金属加工,配电柜.
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