HSV色彩模型(Hue 色度,Saturation 饱和度,Value 纯度);
Subsequent to DPG - BII and PPSG serum gastrin, which increased after HSV, decreased.
DPG -B 和PPSG术后血清胃泌素降低, 而HSV术后血清胃泌素升高.
互联网ObjectiveTo forward an automatic extraction and analysis method based on HSV dimension in immunohistochemical positive objects.
——期刊摘选This paper introduces HSV color space and an algorithm of automatic recognition character color.
互联网HSV - 1 often causes lesions inside the mouth such as cold sores.
HSV -1 经常导致口中的损害如感冒疮.
互联网The algorithms in RGB and HSV color space are introduced in this paper.
本文介绍了在RGB颜色空间和HSV颜色 空间中检测阴影的算法.
互联网Low level of anti - HSV and anti - AAV antibodies was detected in mouse serum.
小鼠血清中可以检测到少量 抗 HSV抗体和 抗 AAV抗体.
互联网These results revealed that STFC was a polypeptide with M. W . of 12,870 dalton.
实验结果表明,TF_ (HSV-1 )特异成分是12,870dalton的多肽.
互联网There are two different strains of HSV.
有两种不同的HSV病毒 株.
互联网Above results showed that the encephalitis model of HSV can be used to research antiHSV agents.
互联网The HSV - 1, HSV - 2 and CMY antibody in serum could not affect the detection results.
血清中存在HSV - 1 、 HSV - 2和CMV抗体 不影响VZVIgG的检测结果.
互联网IFN 1 b and IFN α 1 b mutant show similar antivirus effect on above HSV - and HSV - virus.
IFNα1b突变体抗病毒效果和IFNα 1b无明显差别.
互联网Tk + T cells were sensitive to GCV ( P 0.05 )
转染HSV-tkT 细胞(tk+T细胞)对GCV有敏感性 ( P0.05 ).
互联网A new HSV color space quantization method is proposed.
互联网Method The recombinant plasmid pMD 18 - T - gG was constructed as HSV - 2 DNA standard for quantitative analysis.
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