Gomez 戈梅斯(姓名);
With more than 70 employees in headquarter in GZ, we have built branches in both SH & BJ.
公司总部在广州,大约有70多个员工, 在上海和北京也设立了 分部.
——期刊摘选The optimization of 946 GZ system was also done by combining the simulation and traditional techniques.
互联网Therefore, you can ask me any kinds of questions about GZ and HK.
互联网The current standard anti - G suit ( SGS ) does not provide optimum protection to counter this high + Gz.
在高+Gz持续作用下,飞行员突然发生意识丧失 ( G-induced lossofconsciousness,G-LOC ) 的机率仍然较高,对高性能战斗机的安全飞行构成严重威胁.
互联网GZ - 10 Bridge Lantern is a lantern applied to railway bridges and road bridges.
GZ -10 型桥涵、桥柱航标灯是一种用于铁路桥、公路桥的标志灯.
互联网It is for GZ new office set up and other expenses.
互联网APPB _ ( 5.98 ) + L —1 maneuver + AGS increased + Gz tolerance by 3.95 G.
离心机试验结果表明,APPB_ ( 5.98 ) +L-1动作+抗荷服(AGS)综合措施的抗荷效果为3.95G.飞行员实验结果表现出相同的趋势.
互联网GZK digital obstruction lamp centralized control cabinet is the auxiliary product of the GZ series long - life.
互联网The changes mentioned above were improved in + Gz + MT group.
互联网Having been to GZ and HK several times, I'm quite familiar with these two places.
我去过香港和广州很多次了, 很熟悉这两个地方.
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