[经] 格林斯班;[人名] 格林斯潘;
In late October, he got a call from Bennett Greenspan, president of Family Tree DNA.
10月末, 他从家谱DNA服务公司总裁班奈特-格林斯潘那儿接到电话.
英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 基因与寻祖Mr. Greenspan said capital requirements should be set to erase any such benefits for big companies.
互联网We've long cursed deities for our suffering Alan Greenspan is no exception.
互联网But the leadership of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan denied the request.
互联网But Greenspan as we have already established -- is no god.
但是正如我们早已明确的, 格林斯潘 不是神.
互联网This was Alan Greenspan's tragic mistake, not that the former Fed chief will acknowledge it.
这是格林斯潘悲剧性的错误, 尽管这位前任联储掌门未必承认.
互联网Blue chips slumped anotIT 5 % despite Greenspan's speech.
互联网This raises two interesting questions: Is Alan Greenspan in fact a god?
这就引出了两个很有意思的问题: 艾伦·格林斯潘真的是神 吗 ?
互联网But its independence , as Mr Greenspan notes, is not engravedstone.
但正如格林斯潘所指出的, 美联储的独立性并非绝对.
互联网Through his office, Mr Greenspan declined to comment for this article.
透过他的办公室, 格林斯潘拒绝对本文置评.
互联网Ben Bernanke , Greenspan's successor, holds these views even more strongly.
格林斯潘的继任者 本·伯南克 甚至比格林斯潘还有过之而无不及.
互联网ALAN GREENSPAN: " Partially. But let's separate this problem into its component parts. "
艾伦.格林斯潘: “ 部分错误. 但是,请将问题分成各部分. ”
互联网The economist, a young Alan Greenspan, was quoted in the March 1959 FORTUNE.
互联网Who knows what history will say about Alan Greenspan?
互联网But like Mr. Greenspan , he has argued against the idea that low rates fueled the boom.
但与格林斯潘一样, 他也不赞同是低利率助长了经济繁荣的说法.
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