[男子名] 吉尔 Gilbert,Giles的昵称;[地名] [冰岛] 吉尔;
Gil downed his food wordlessly, his attention far away.
柯林斯例句Gil rose and went to his bookcase and took down a volume.
——柯林斯例句Gil: Yeah , and I'd marry Hillary. I mean I'd kill Hillary. She just looks conniving.
哦 是的, 我会和希拉里结婚. 我指的是我会杀了希拉里. 她就是看起来很诡计多端.
——期刊摘选But why does the King call for Gong - gil so often?
那为何王如此频繁的召见孔吉 呢 ?
电影对白Gil Grissom: I just got a page from James Watson.
吉尔·格里森: 我刚刚从詹姆斯·沃特森那里得到一张纸.
互联网Gil worked hard to bring Rotary education to the district.
互联网Gil waved his hand and the car moved off.
互联网Pae Gil - Su of DPRK , Olympic pommel horse gold medallist, won this event again.
互联网I'll have to ask Gil the next time I bump into him on the street somewhere.
互联网Yes , there are Pea Gil - Su of DPRK , Olympic pommel horse gold medalist, won this event again.
有的.朝鲜的裴吉洙是奥运会鞍马冠军. 这次他又获该项目冠军.
互联网Gil was white and trembling with anger.
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