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The abnormal rates of ALT, TG, CHOL and GLU are 11.0 % 、18.9 % 、9.2 % 、6.4 % respectively.
谷丙转氨酶(ALT) 、 甘油三脂(TG) 、 胆固醇(CHOL)、血糖(GLU)检测结果的异常率分别为11.0%、18.9%、9.2%、6.4%.
互联网The increased levels of ALS in CSF maybe associated with Asp , Glu le sions to spinal motoneurons.
ALS患者CSF中NSE增高可能与Asp 、 Glu对脊髓运动神经元的损害有关.
互联网To study whether efflux of glutamate ( Glu ) at blood brain barrier ( BBB ) was regulated by P - glycopro - tein ( P - gp ).
目的:研究血脑屏障 ( BBB ) 上谷氨酸 ( Glu ) 外排是否受P-糖蛋白 ( P -gp ) 调节.
互联网Glutamate ( Glu ) is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system ( CNS ) .
谷氨酸 ( Glu ) 是 中枢神经 系统主要的兴奋性神经递质.
互联网Excuse me dextrose ( GLU ) on the high side, how can you reduce?
请问葡萄糖 ( GLU ) 偏高, 怎么能降低?
——期刊摘选Dextrose ( what does GLU ) on the high side need to notice?
葡萄糖 ( GLU ) 偏高需要注意什么 呢 ?
——期刊摘选Why can you bring about dextrose ( GLU ) on the low side? What treats plan?
为什么会导致葡萄糖 ( GLU ) 偏低? 有什么治疗方案?
——期刊摘选Objective : To investigate the relationship between the disease prognosis and the neonates blood glucose ( Glu ).
期刊摘选GLU super fun puzzle game of the stage!
GLU超级 好玩的益智游戏登场了!
互联网And C 2 o - 2 Glu can self - assembly into helical spherical nanotubes in the mixed solution of water and ethonal.
互联网GLU most up - to - date within the absolute masterpiece!
互联网Compared with Glu group, the gray level of HO - 1 was significantly increased in HO group ( P <0.05 ).
与Glu组比较, HO组的HO-1灰度值明显增加 ( P<0.05 ).
互联网Objective : To investigate the changes of glucose ( GLU ), insulin ( INS ) and C - peptide ( CP ) in liver disease.
目的: 探讨肝脏疾病对血糖 、 胰岛素、C 肽 水平的影响.
互联网There five variety haveGlu - A 3 d + Glu - B 3 d form which is a good quality subunit combination form.
5个品种出现Glu-A3d+Glu-B3d优质LMW-GS亚 基组合,频率为12.5%.
互联网Glu is 57.87 % in proportion to all 17 kinds of amino acid in yeast powder.
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