The first Bobbin lace probably originated in Flanders in the early 16 th century.
——期刊摘选So Flanders became one of the areas that capitalist sprout firstly emerged.
——期刊摘选Daniel Defoe, English writer, author of Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders, died.
英国作家 、 小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》和《摩尔·弗兰德斯》的作者丹尼尔·笛福去世.
互联网The French King swallowed almost all Flanders.
互联网During 9 - 10 th century, the cities of Flanders emerged.
9-10 世纪, 佛兰德尔城市相继形成.
互联网Hailing from Flanders, these mercenaries are armed with pikes and wear light armour.
佛兰芒矛兵来自佛兰德斯地区, 装备轻甲和戟枪.
互联网" That's it. That was wonderful, it was like Flanders Fields . "
正是这件事, 写得好极了, 像著名的 弗兰德斯 战场演说.
百科语句In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses. row on row. That mark our place.
在佛兰德的田野上. 罂粟花一排一排的在十字架之间摆动着. 这是我们这座城镇的标记.
互联网However, on Christmas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peace on Earth.
然而在1914年平安夜, 在弗兰德省的战场上却出现过和平.
互联网Speak to those who have lived with her in Flanders.
电影对白The district of Flanders had great artists such as Rubens, Van Dyck and others.
法兰德斯地区出过诸如鲁宾斯 、 范代克和其它伟大的艺术家.
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