The Consumer: It Banishes Uterine Fibroids, but for How Long?
消费者: 它驱逐子宫的纤维瘤, 但是为多久?
互联网Coagulation necrosis was found in resected fibroids after embolization in 3 patients.
互联网Extrapulmonary manifestations include renal angiomyolipomas, lymph node masses, cystic tissue masses, chylous ascites, and uterine fibroids.
肺外主要表现包括肾血管平滑肌瘤, 淋巴结肿大, 囊性软组织肿块, 乳糜样腹水和子宫肌瘤.
互联网Twenty - eight Dutch hospitals recruited patients with uterine fibroids and menorrhagia, who were eligible for hysterectomy.
实验设计:28个荷兰医院的新病人, 其均有有子宫肌瘤和月经过多并适合做子宫切除.
互联网UFE was first used to decrease blood loss during surgery to remove fibroids.
互联网This is because, in different locations of the uterine fibroids have different symptoms.
这是因为, 长在不同位置的子宫肌瘤会有不同的症状.
互联网In general, uterine fibroids cause no problems and seldom require treatment.
一般来说, 子宫肌瘤不会引起问题,并且甚少需要治疗.
互联网Rarely, fibroids can require emergency treatment if they cause sudden, sharp pelvic pain or menstrual bleeding.
在极少数情况下, 当肌瘤引起突发剧烈盆腔疼痛或大量月经出血时,需要急诊治疗.
互联网Fibroids, scar tissue, and polyps can be removed from inside the uterus.
可切除宫腔的子宫肌瘤, 疤痕组织, 息肉.
互联网You have fibroids of the uterus, and I think that a hysterectomy should be done.
您有子宫纤维瘤, 我认为应该做子宫切除术.
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