File Transfer Protocol 文件传送[输]协议;
There are two different transfer mode in FTP, ASCII and binary mode.
在FTP中 有两种不同的传输模式, ASCII模式和二进制模式.
互联网These ALGs include DNS - ALG, FTP - ALG , SIP - ALG and so on.
现在常用的应用层网关包括DNS -ALG 、 FTP -ALG 和SIP -ALG 等.
互联网Monitor daily customer FTP site for Compatibility Matrix & Quality Alerts.
实时注意客户FTP上的兼容性列表 和 质量警报.
互联网The third service is called FTP ( file transfer protocol ).
第三种服务叫做FTP ( 文件传输协议 ).
互联网Fixed a bug - Error occurred when using SSH protocol with some FTP clients.
互联网Do you want to upload the dragged files to the FTP server?
您想把被拖动的文件上载到ftp服务器 吗 ?
互联网How about that they need to find a good FTP client?
是否听到过他们需要好的FTP客户 呢 ?
互联网You should see Default FTP Site, click on it.
你应该可以看到默认FTP站点, 点击它.
互联网FTP communications source, code simple, but useful for beginners.
FTP通信的源码, 代码简单, 但对初学者很有用.
互联网How to install FTP Server for File Transfer service?
互联网Domain you are trying to remove has FTP accounts! first remove them!
您要删除的域名拥有FTP账号! 请先删除它们!
互联网Now you can build your own FTP server has.
互联网A modified BIR model was developed for FTP file retrieval.
互联网Company E and Company V work out a FTP Scripting based solution.
公司和V公司 采用了基于FTP脚本的方案.
互联网Simple FTP server and client programs, you can realize simple communication.
简单的FTP服务器和客户端程序, 可以实现简单通讯.
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