Far East Conference 远东会议;
In this scheme, FEC combined with ARQ and RS ( 63,47 ) code are adopted.
在该方案中采用FEC(前向纠错)和ARQ ( 自动请求重传 ) 相结合的方法,选择RS(63,47)纠错码.
互联网The first is the forward error control ( FEC ) and the second is the automatic - repeat - request ( ARQ ).
通信系统中的差错控制方法基本可分为两大类,即前向纠错编码(FEC ) 和自动重传请求 ( ARQ ).
互联网In chapter 5, we propose and analyze the Hybrid error correction plan ( FEC + ARQ + Interleaver ).
第五章我们提出并分析了混合纠错控制方案 ( 前向纠错FEC+自动请求重传ARQ+交织 ).
互联网FEC Co. Ltd. was founded in year 2003, is a fast - growing brand within the industry.
FEC管理 咨询有限公司成立于2003年, 是业内品牌价值增长最快的猎头咨询机构之一.
互联网The proposed schemes include FEC and selective retransmission.
提议的方案包括FEC( 正向纠错)和选择性重发.
互联网Twenty - five Yuan FEC for one, so fifty Yuan FEC for a pair.
25元外汇券一只, 所以50元外汇券一对.
互联网Yuan FEC. The small gift box is complimentary.
外汇卷120元, 小礼品盒是免费赠送的.
互联网There is an extra charge of 15 Yuan FEC for the packing.
互联网FEC waterproof paint is a new type nontoxic , nonpolluting, water based waterproof paint.
FEC新型防水涂料是一种无毒 、 无污染的新型水性防水涂料.
互联网First , LiOH · H _ 2 O , FeC _ 2 O _ 4·2 H _ 2 O and NH _ 4 H _ 2 PO _ 4 were selected as the raw materials based on their characteristics.
对固定体系反应历程的研究发现:由于LiOH·H_2O 、 FeC_2O_4·2H_2O两 种原料之间相互反应生成Fe( OH) _2,导致混料阶段产生Fe~(3+)杂质.
互联网Yuan FEC ? My Christ, are you padding my bill, miss?
160元外汇卷, 我的妈呀! 你没算错帐 吧 ?
互联网The use of this FEC function in submarine terminal transmission equipment is not mandatory.
互联网It totals 160 Yuan FEC.
互联网It will come to 30 Yuan FEC.
互联网Here is one hundred Yuan FEC.
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