Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局;
For an independent airframe heavy maintenance facility , 50 and 70 percent of the technicians are FAA - certificated.
对于独立的机体大修企业来说, 企业中大约 50-70% 的人员拥有FAA执照.
互联网Must hold CAAC cert 、 convert FAA cert 、 JAA cert , valid category II health certificate.
互联网Basic knowledge of CAAC, FAA and EASA regulatory requirements and standards.
基本了解CAAC 、 FAA、以及EASA的规范要求和标准.
互联网Methods: The effections of WSBYS on hepatocarcinoma of the rats induced by 2 - FAA.
方法: 通过大鼠体重,肝脏病理学为指标,观察WSBYS对2 - 乙酰氨基芴(2-FAA)诱导的大鼠肝癌的治疗作用.
互联网Why did you wait 20 minutes to call the FAA.
电影对白The FAA says its replacement notice covers A 330 and A 340 model jets.
互联网The paper researched on the basis theory of FAA.
互联网Method: We observed the effect of WSBYS on hepatocarcinoma of the rats induced by 2 - FAA.
方法: 研究观察中药对 2— 乙酰氨基芴(2-FAA)诱发大鼠肝癌的影响.
互联网This revision expands all technical subject areas from the previous edition, FAA - H - 8083 - 3 .
本次修订扩展了所有以前版本中的技术主题方面, 旧版本为FAA -H-8083-3.
互联网Eastern Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties , legislation has been overcast quail , step, FAA and other counties.
东晋南北朝,曾先后立过鹑阴、朝那 、 安武等县.
互联网The FAA said the rule change -- a temporary one -- was made for safety reasons.
互联网If the FAA knew about this, they'd have both our asses.
要是联邦航空局知道了这个, 有他们好看的.
电影对白A qualify FAA Maintenance Repairer , the repairer of Aircraft Maintenance , Airlines , the repairer of engine Maintenance.
FAA的合格飞机修护人员, 工场修护人员,发动机修护人员.
互联网Volatile flavor compounds development , resulted form Maillard reaction, positively correlated with FAA and temperature in the processing.
互联网This paper reports a method of synthesizing 2 - acetylaminofluorene ( FAA ).
本文介绍了一种合成 2- 乙酰氨基芴 ( FAA ) 的方法,操作简易,制品质量可靠.
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