  • 释义
  • Environmental Protection Agency 美国环保署;Eicosapentaenoic acid;EPA 是有五個雙鍵的多元不飽和脂肪酸酸(C20H30O2);是一种奧米加三脂肪酸。;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    EPA also enforces noise standards for trucks and airplanes.


  • 2、

    A conceptual design and cost study was made by TVA for EPA in 1968.


  • 3、

    It empowers the EPA to adopt rules requiring testing by manufacturers of substances.


    英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • 4、

    Generally, these permits are issued by the states, not by EPA.

    总的来讲, 这些许可是由各州颁布的, 不是由环境保护局颁布.

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  • 5、

    By 1983, EPA had only begun to put the statutory scheme into operation.

    到了1983年, 环境保护局才开始着手实施这一法规.

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  • 6、

    EPA's approach to settlement changed radically during the early implementation of Superfund.


    英汉非文学 - 行政法
  • 7、

    In 1986, EPA adopted new BCT regulations.

    1986年, 环境保护局采用一套新的“常规污染物最佳控制技术”管制规章.

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    ( EPA's failure to meet this deadline may affect its ability to collect penalties for non - compliance.

    ( 如果环境保护局错过了这一最后限期,就不能对不遵守者施以惩罚.

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  • 9、

    The court also reiterated the need for deference to EPA's expert judgments on these issues.


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    The court rejected EPA's position and invalidated all the BCT regulations.


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  • 11、

    The EPA has not forced the individual states to adopt the same standard.


  • 12、

    EPA is given broad inspection powers ( section 3007 ).

    环境保护局有广泛的检查权 ( 第3007条 ).

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  • 13、

    The court emphasized that Congress was impatient with EPA's slow progress in regulating toxic water pollution.


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  • 14、

    And EPA itself does very little testing of gadgets.


  • 15、

    In implementing such health - based standards, section 307 ( a ) ( 2 ) requires EPA to " take into account'six factors.

    在执行以健康为基础的标准时, 第307条 ( a ) ( 2 ) 要求环境保护局考虑6个因素.

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