English Dialect Society 英语方言学会;能谱仪;
The bond strength of Ni - P coating on Mg alloy AZ 91 D is studied with metalloscope, SEM, EDS.
利用金相显微镜 、 SEM 、 能谱仪(EDS),研究了镁合金AZ91D的化学镀Ni-P的结合强度.
互联网Hewlett - Packard after the acquisition, EDS, Hewlett - Packard EDS will have the high - end users, large customer base.
惠普 在收购EDS后, 惠普 就会拥有EDS用户的 高端 、 大客户群.
互联网The morphology and structure of ul - trafine TiO 2 particles were analyzed by XRD, SEM, DTA and EDS measurements.
通过XRD 、 SEM 、 DTA、EDS等测试分析,确定了超细微粒TiO2的外观形貌和结构特征.
互联网The mineral constituents and structures of the clinker were analyzed by the means of XRD, SEM - EDS .
利用XRD, SEM -EDS 等测试手段分析了该水泥熟料的组成和结构.
互联网Ancient human bones in Xigongqiao Site , Tengzhou , Shandong Province, were analyzed by use of SEM - EDS .
采用SEM -EDS 技术, 分析了山东滕州西宫桥遗址出土的古代人骨.
互联网OM 、 SEM 、 EDS 、 MEF 3 were used to analyse microstructure and grain refining of Al - Ti - C master alloys.
通过XRD、 OM、SEM、EDS等检测手段分析了Al-Ti-C中间合金的微观组织及细化后的晶粒大小.
互联网The microstructure of coating are investigated with OM, SEM, TEM, EPMA, EDS.
借助OM 、 SEM 、 TEM 、 EPMA 、 EDS等分析手段,研究了叶片修复熔覆层的组织结构.
互联网The composition and the microstructure of the coating were investigated by SEM 、 XRD and EDS as well.
互联网Detection for EDS - 76 antibody by DIGFA combined the advantaged of qualitative and. quantitative analysis.
DIGFA检测EDS - 76抗体既可定性, 也可定量.
互联网The suitable burning temperature and micro morphology of the cement XRD and SEM - EDS , etc.
利用XRD,SEM -EDS 等,研究了该水泥的适宜烧成温度范围和熟料的显微形貌.
互联网XRD, SEM and EDS are also used to analyze the ceramic powder.
XRD 、 SEM和 EDS分别用于分析和观察抗茵粉体的晶相结构、形貌及其元素成分.
互联网The phase structure and surfaceappearance were analysed through SEM, EDS, XRD.
应用扫描电镜(SEM) 、 能谱仪(EDS)和X射线 衍射(XRD)等手段分析研究了氧化铝膜的相结构和表面形貌.
互联网The mechanical properties were also correlated withmicrostructure analyzised by means of XRD, SEM and EDS.
采用XRD 、 SEM、EDS等手段,研究了瓷胎的显微结构,及其与力学性能的关系.
互联网The composition, crystal structure and microstructure of LSGMF 202005 sample were investigated by using EDS, XRD and SEM.
利用EDS 、 XRD及SEM等技术,分析LSGMF202005的微区成分 、 晶体结构与显微组织等.
互联网The microstructure has been studied using SEM, EDS and XRD.
用扫描电镜(SEM) 、 能谱(EDS)和X射线 衍射(XRD)测试其微观结构.
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