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Objective To study the gene mutation in a pedigree with Dowling - Meara type epidermolysis bullosa simplex ( DM - EBS ).
目的研究Dowling-Meara亚型单纯型大疱性表皮松解症 ( DM -EBS ) 一家系的基因突变.
互联网Conclusion There is K 14 1 A domain gene mutation in this DM - EBS pedigree.
互联网Objective : To identify gene mutation in a family with Weber - Cockayne type epidermolysis bullosa simplex ( WC - EBS ).
鉴定单纯型大疱性表皮松解症Weber -Cockayne 亚型 一家系中的基因突变位点.
互联网Objective : To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis and therapy of patients with epidermolysis bullosa sim - plex Weber - Cockayne ( EBS - WC ).
目的: 探讨单纯型大疱性表皮松解症Weber-Cockayne ( EBS-WC ) 亚型的临床特征 、 诊断及治疗.
互联网Methods Anti - NOX 4 ribozyme clones of mouse embryonic stem ( ES ) cells were differentiated into embryoid bodies ( EBs ).
方法用 核糖 酶技术获得尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸氧化酶4低表达小鼠胚胎干细胞克隆,将小鼠胚胎干细胞分化为胚小体.
互联网The NID and WDS were extrusive while the EDS 、 WPS 、 WSS and TB - EBS were fewer of PWSD.
56.74%,10.82%;其中以NID、WDS的 发生较突出,ODS、 WPS、WSS、TB-ECS相对较少.
互联网Possess strong problem - solving skills to deal effectively with EBS issues and good logic capability.
互联网The percentage of EBs cluster - derived cardiomyocytes between the two induction groups was 35 % and 74 % ( P < 0.05 ), respectively.
两诱导组EBs集落心肌细胞平均分化率分别是35%,74% ( P<0.05 ).
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