But, honestly, don't you despair of Darwinism sometimes?
但平心而论, 有时候你不是也会对达尔文主义感到绝望 吗 ?
互联网With resident Darwinism loaded into your operating system, Word would evolve as you worked.
由于操作系统进驻了进化论的住户, Word会随着你的工作而进化.
互联网Marx treat capitalist industrial organization in the view of Darwinism.
互联网What if human consciousness isn't the end - all and be - all of Darwinism?
互联网John discarded his belief in Darwinism afrer he became a Christian.
互联网My analysis based on Universal Darwinism suggests that instead we should be looking for R 3 planets.
互联网The major sources of her thought are: Feuerbach's religion of humanity , positivism and Darwinism.
她的思想的主要来源是人本宗教 、 实证主义和达尔文主义.
互联网The impact of Darwinism on modern biology is greater than Mendelism.
互联网His workers in Pittsburgh felt the full force of his pitiless Darwinism.
互联网For instance, Darwinism, but is not the separate.
比如, 达尔文进化论, 而不是割裂的.
互联网Darwinism is naturally repugnant to leftwing thought.
辞典例句Darwinism: This shit was once food.
达尔文主义: 此大粪曾为食物.
互联网The Darwinism also shows the same negative effect now.
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