Configuration of crossbar decoder, DMA controller and ADC controller are illustrated.
说明了数字交叉开关 、 DMA控制器和ADC转换器 的软件配置方法.
互联网The structure and dynamic mechanical properties are investigated via SEM, DMA, etc.
利用SEM 、 DMA等, 研究了该材料的结构和动态力学性能等.
互联网Upon receipt of the HOLD - acknowledge, the DMA knows that the bus are released.
在接收到 HOLD 应答信号时, DMA便知道总线处于高阻抗状态.
辞典例句VxWorks system DMA controller driver part of the source code.
互联网No more DMA values can be added.
互联网The invention uses genetic algorithms to realize dynamic channel allocation ( DMA ).
本发明利用遗传算法实现动态信道分配 ( DMA ).
互联网In this scenario, the DMA - based transfer need not shift data later on.
在这种方案中, 基于DMA移动就不需要数据移位了.
互联网The serial port communication, DMA technology, PPI port and EBIU involved etc are expatiated simply.
简要阐述了串口通讯 、 DMA技术 、 PPI口以及EBIU等.
互联网The organization of DMA system is illustrated on Fin 3 - 39 .
DMA系统的结构如图 3-38 所示.
辞典例句For cost reasons Mr Toutounchi a big user of DMA systems.
互联网For super - speed data sampling rate, design the DMA bus of telecommunication method.
为了保证具有 高速 的数据采样率, 设计了DMA总线的通讯方式.
互联网The DMA will first fill the line buffer.
辞典例句The thermal properties were studied by TGA, DSC and DMA.
通过热重分析(TGA) 、 示差扫描量热法(DSC)和动态力学分析(DMA) 研究了共混膜的热性能.
互联网It also includes a memory management unit ( MMU ), a debug port, and a DMA controller.
它也包括了内存管理单元 ( MMU ), 调试端口 、 DMA控制器.
互联网The current application conditions and future prospect of N, N - DMA in many fields are emphasized.
着重介绍了N, N-DMA聚合物在多个领域的应用现状和前景.
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