Data Link Escape Character 数据传送换码字符(通信控制用);
Sotalol ( 1.6×10~ ( - 6 ) to 1.6×10~ ( - 4 ) M ) and meto - prolol ( 1.2×10~ ( - 7 ) to 1.2×10~ ( - 4 ) M ) had no effect on SAN , AVN , atrial and His - bun - dle cell APA and (? ) max .
Sot ( 1.6×10 ~ ( -6 ) — 1.6×10~ ( -4 ) M ) 对上述4种细胞的动作电位振幅和0相最大除极速度皆无影响.
互联网A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.
互联网Bachelor degree in acing major has qualified dle - level acing certification.
互联网The DLE oscillations induced by high concentrationof CO 2 could be inhibited by nigericin ( Fig . 5 ) .
解联剂尼日利亚菌素可以消除CO2诱导的 DLE 振荡.
互联网The ex - tracted recoveries were 81.5 %, 84.6 %, 80.4 %, and method recovery were 96.6 % , 98.5 % , 101.2 % at low , mid - dle and high concentrations, respectively.
低 、 中、高3个浓度的提取回收率分别为81.5%, 84.6%, 80.4%; 方法回收率为96.6%, 98.5%, 101.2%.
互联网The picture dle shows the honor guard of San Marino.
互联网Natural assets fail to get efficient disposal, makeing the natural assets i - dle and wasted.
自然资产未得到有效配置, 造成自然资产的闲置与浪费.
互联网The tegmentum —— tectum —— tegmentum connections are only concerned with the mid - dle and deep layers of the superior colliculus.
互联网The effect of hydroxychloroquine ( HCQ ) in the treatment of discoid lupus ery thematosus ( DLE ) and its side effects were observed.
观察硫酸羟氯喹HCQ治疗盘状 红斑狼疮 DLE的疗效并分析其副作用.
互联网Objective : To study the means of diagnosis and therapy for DLE.
目的: 探讨口腔盘状红斑狼疮诊断及治疗的方法.
互联网According tothe anatomic findings, when the nee - dle is inserted vertically for 4 - 5 cm , it could reach the dorsal ramus.
结合冷冻腰神经后支止痛术式, 按本文提供的表面投影数据,垂直刺入4 ~ 5cm, 即能贴近各腰神经的后支.
互联网Conclusion Apoptosis may played an important role in the development of oral discoid lupus erythematosus ( DLE ) lesion.
结论基底细胞的凋亡对 DLE 病变的发生、发展可能有着重要的影响.
互联网Venus the Russian dle class, such as the color.
互联网You will understand that he has been caught in the mid - dle.
(你要了解,他被夹在中间,左右为难. )
互联网Methods 5 case of lip cancer based on DLE were reported.
方法 分析5例唇部DLE发生癌变的临床资料.
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