Design Handbook 设计手册;
This parallel suggests that GSH - DH is involved in the improver action of Asc via its dehydro - form.
互联网Under specific enviromental information, neuroendocrine cells produce and secrete diapause hormone ( DH ).
在特定的环境条件信息下, 神经分泌细胞产生和分泌滞育激素 ( DH ).
互联网Lady Chatterley's Lover - see what we owe this classic and DH Lawrence.
互联网The use of the DH concept also enhances safety of operations in degraded seeing conditions.
互联网E . coli DH 5α was transformed by pUC 18 recombined with PRV CP gene cDNA.
香木瓜环斑病毒(PRV) 外壳蛋白(CP)基因cDNA克隆 到pUC18上构建成 大肠杆菌 (Escherickiacoli)表达载体.
互联网The existing problem in DH centrifugal compressor is put forward.
互联网The operational decision to continue approach by visual means , however, must be made before passing DH.
然而,以目视方法继续进近的运行决断, 必须在通过决断高度之前做出.
互联网AIM : To study the epidemiological features of dentin hypersensitivity ( DH ) in China.
目的: 探讨我国牙齿感觉过敏症的流行病学特点.
互联网In DH, there are a few possible avenues this mirror could follow.
在DH中, 这个镜射的出现地可以有几个可能途径.
互联网Bringing us WC DH and 4 X race action combined with dirt jumping, trails and street.
同时给我们带来了混合有泥地跳跃 、 赛道、街道等等比赛动作场面.
互联网The dnaA gene with LacZ promoter was cloned into pUC 19 using the Escherichia coli DH 5 a strain.
将带有LacZ启动 子的dnaA基因构建到pUC19中,得到重组质粒pUCA12.
互联网Besides, 41 DH lines were developed from the doubled plant above.
互联网RESULTS: In China, the main pathogenic factor of DH was the occlusal abrasion, mainly middle - aged andpeople.
结果: 我国牙齿感觉过敏症的主要致病因素为牙牙合面磨损, 中老年多发,女略多于男.
互联网DH is a specified decision point.
互联网The power combination unit of Model F 32003 DH rig is selected.
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