Convolution of windowing function is traditionally used to explain the Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) errors.
离散傅里叶变换 ( DFT ) 的误差一般是通过窗函数的卷积来解释的.
——期刊摘选And the calculations coincide with DFT, PM 3 and so on experiment tally well.
互联网The methodologies of design for testability ( DFT ) are widely realized in the digital circuits test.
可测性设计 ( DFT ) 方法广泛应用于数字电路测试中.通过添加测试硬件,用来降低测试的复杂性.
互联网A new architecture of digital channelized receiver based on sliding DFT is presented.
互联网The set of formulas consists of DFT of sampled data, phase difference calculation and frequency calculation.
频率估计公式包括采样序列DFT 、 相位差计算和频率计算.
互联网Density Function Theory ( DFT ) based on quantum theory.
基于量子理论的密度泛函理论 ( DFT—DensityFunctionTheory ).
互联网Have you tried to run our drive fitness test ( DFT ) utility?
你有试过在这颗硬碟上执行我们的磁碟健康测试 ( DFT ) 软体 吗 ?
互联网The discrete Fourier transform ( DFT ) and discrete Hartley transform ( DHT ) can be considered as special cases of DYT.
常用的离散傅里叶变换 ( DFT ) 、离散哈特莱变换 ( DHT ) 均可视为DYT的特例.
互联网Some interpolated Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) methods are analyzed.
本文首先讨论并分析了各种插值DFT ( 离散傅里叶变换 ) 算法,然后提出了一种实正弦信号的快速插值频率估计方法.
互联网Design - For - Testability, DFT has become a very important part of the CMOS chip and system design.
可测试性设计(Design-For-Testability, DFT)已经成为芯片或系统设计中不可或缺的重要组成部分.
互联网A high - precision internal impedance measurement method of storage battery based on DFT was presented.
互联网A new implementation of the DFT based on delta modulation ( DM ) is proposed.
本文提出一种基于增量调制(DM) 序列的离散傅里叶变换 ( DFT) 结构,它不同于基于脉冲编码调制(PCM ) 的常规方法.
互联网The first step of design for testability ( DFT ) is to determine the testability index.
互联网Goertzel algorithm is a fast algorithm of DFT.
互联网Electronic structure and bonding model of TATB are studied by density and discrete variational ( DFT - DVM ) method.
用离散变分密度泛函方法 ( DFT-DVM ) 研究了TATB分子 的电子结构和成键图像.
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