The field bioassay of 4 trunk injection insecticides ( 14 % Imidacloprid + DDVP , 4.5 % Imidacloprid, 2 % Abamectin and 30 % DDVP + omethoate ) was conducted against Brontispa longissima.
利用14%吡虫啉.敌敌畏注干液剂 、 4.5%吡虫啉注干液剂 、 2%阿维菌素注干液剂和30%敌畏.
互联网The control effect of DDVP . carbaryl and cypermethrin smoke agents were 95.85 % 31.51 % and 97.66 % respectively.
西维因烟剂防治效果为 31.51%,氯氰菊酯烟剂防治效果为97.68%.
互联网The toxicity of DDVP was 20 times greater than dipterex.
互联网Resistance ratios to deltamethrin, beta - cypermethrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin and DDVP were ( 1.52 ) - ( 8.28 ) , but there are very susceptive to propoxue with resistance ratio ( 0.92 ) - ( 1.13 ).
对溴氰菊酯 、 高效氯氰菊酯 、 顺式氯氰菊酯 、 高效氟氯氰菊酯、敌敌畏已不同程度地产生抗性,抗性倍数在 1.52 ~8.28之间;对残杀威敏感, 抗性倍数在0.92~ 1.13 之间.
互联网The fly population density could be maintained low condition by spraying 2 . 5 % synergistic DDVP.
互联网Cytotoxicity of Nef , dichlorvos ( DDVP ) and verapamil ( Ver ) were tested by MTT method in RBE 4 cells.
采用MTT法了解Nef、敌敌畏 ( dichlorvos,DDVP ) 和维拉帕米 ( verapamil, Ver ) 对RBE4细胞的毒性作用.
互联网The results showed that 14 % Imidacloprid + DDVP , 4.5 % Imidacloprid and 30 % DDVP + omethoate were efficient, and 14 % Imidacloprid + DDVP exhibits high efficiency.
结果表明14%吡虫啉.敌敌畏注干液剂 、 4.5%吡虫啉注干液剂和30%敌畏.
互联网Influences of pH, concentrations of oxidents and Cu 2 + on the photodegradation rate of DDVP were investigated.
探讨了氧化剂浓度、pH值 、 Cu2+浓度对DDVP光降解的影响.
互联网The results show that H 2 O 2 and K 2 S 2 O 8 can photodegradate DDVP betterly.
互联网Meanwhile, V _ ( max ) values were approximately four times as high for DDVP - R compared with the susceptible strain.
同时, DDVP -R 品系中V_ ( max ) 大约是敏感品系的4倍,说明该抗性品系中GSTs对GSH的 亲和力虽然下降,但是其可以通过V_(max)的提高来弥补亲和力下降所造成的损失.
互联网Sumith 1 : 400 ; and DDVP 1 : 400 spraying are very effective.
杀螟松 1∶400 倍水和DDVP1∶400 倍水喷洒植株,药效均达90%以上.
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