con direct current-direct current conversion 直流-直流变换(科技符号);
Designers of high - performance isolated dc - dc power converters are always striving for higher efficiency and smaller size.
高性能隔离DC -DC 电源转换器设计人员通常会尽力提高效率并减小尺寸.
互联网A novel integrated CMOS current - sensing circuit for current - mode DC - DC buck converters is presented.
针对电流模降压型DC -DC 变换器,提出了一种新颖的CMOS片上电流采样电路.
互联网This paper presented a novel circuit for equalizing a connected ultra - capacitor stack based on DC - DC converter.
介绍一种基于DC -DC 变换器的新型串联电容器组电压均衡电路.
互联网A current mode DC - DC buck converter with high stability is presented.
互联网This paper analyzes a zero - voltage - switching ( ZVS ) bi - directional DC - DC converter.
该文分析了一种零电压 ( ZVS ) 双向 DC—DC 变换器.
互联网A dynamic slope compensation circuit applied to boost DC - DC converters is introduced in this paper.
互联网It is consisted of control circuit, main circuit, detected circuit and DC - DC power supply circuit.
整个系统由四个部分构成,主控制电路部分 、 主电路部分 、 检测电路部分、DC -DC 电源部分.
互联网A monolithic current mode DC - DC buck converter with internal compensation is presented.
利用片内补偿实现了一款单片电流模降压型DC -DC 变换器.
互联网An adaptive slope compensation circuit used in current mode DC - DC converters is presented.
提出了一种应用于电流型DC -DC 转换器的自适应斜坡补偿电路.
互联网Therefore, people payattention to the little power and mini DC - DC converter when developing new product.
于是研究开发小功率的微型化DC -DC 变换器, 成为当今变换器研究开发领域的热点.
互联网This paper presents a high frequency DC - DC power converter.
互联网This paper deals with a new topology of switched capacitor DC - DC converter.
论述一种新的开关电容DC -DC 变换器的拓扑结构.
互联网In this full bridge phase - shift ZVS DC - DC converter an improved topology has been adopted.
该DC -DC 开关功率变换器采用了一种改进型移相全桥零电压软开关主电路方案.
互联网A Buck, Voltage - Mode DC - DC Converter operate in heavy load is designed based on csmch 0.5μ standard CMOS process.
本文最终设计了基于csmch0.5μm工艺 的Buck结构 、 电压模式控制、工作于重载下的DC -DC 转换器系统.
互联网Introduce new product for AC - DC and DC - DC , prepare working instruction, production fixture design, process design.
DC 和DC -DC 产品转移, 需要准备作业指导书, 治夹具的设计, 生产流程的设计.
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