But today Cupid fired another arrow at him.
《现代汉英综合大词典》Sonny's heavy Cupid face was under control.
教父部分Cupid shot golden arrows into'the hearts of those his mother wanted to unite in marriage.
英汉非文学 - 百科语料821His heavy Cupid - featured face with its thick, curved mouth was an ugly mask of fury.
他那浓眉大眼的丘比特型的面孔 、 加上他那厚厚的弓形嘴唇,实在是一副可怕的愤怒的凶相.
教父部分Because of his association with love, Cupid is quite popular in poetry, literature, and art.
由于邱比特和爱之间的关联,他在诗词 、 文学及艺术作品中都相当受欢迎.
常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年2月号In this tale , Cupid , the god of love, is the son of Venus.
故事中, 爱神邱比特是维纳斯之子.
常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年2月号Venus, playing one day with her boy Cupid, wounded her bosom with one of his arrows.
有一日维纳斯和儿子丘比特戏耍时, 胸脯被丘比特的一支箭划了一下.
辞典例句It was not brought about by accident, but by the malice of Cupid.
事情的发生绝非偶然, 而是丘比特故意捣的鬼.
辞典例句I think I've been hit by Cupid's arrow.
轻松英语会话---联想4000词(上)As a result, pheromones are slinging at least some of Cupid's arrows.
结果, 信息素一直在射出至少一些丘比特之箭.
互联网With the magic of Cupid's love arrows, anything can happen!
只要有丘比特之箭的魔法, 一切皆有可能!
互联网Cupid draws his arrow on both footman and pharaoh.
互联网I'm sure you've guessed by now, it was Cupid him - self.
我想你现在已经猜出来了, 他就是丘比特.
互联网Cupid makes me want a hurl: I'll love you till the end.
爱神丘比特让我情不自禁说出: 我爱你到永远.
互联网Cupid's arrow is certainly not founded with gold coins.
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